Scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours: Brazillian president to lead trade delegation to Nigeria

The presidential meeting between Goodluck Jonathan and Brazilian president, Dilma Rousseff bore tentative fruit as Rousseff agreed to visit Nigeria before the year runs out.
In the meeting held on Wednesday June 20, Rousseff noted that as the 6th largest economy in the world (they recently overtook the United Kingdom to claim that title), Brazil has a depth of knowledge and understanding in areas such as engineering, construction, technology, public infrastructure, hydro-power generation and large-scale mechanised agriculture, which could benefit Nigeria greatly.

President Jonathan welcomed the idea, noting the country’s explosive growth and saying that the Nigeria would be better able to compete on the global market by utilising Brazil’s noted expertise in power generation and agriculture.

He also spoke about reviving the Africa-South American Cooperation Forum initiated by ex-Presidents Olusegun Obasanjo and Lula Da Silva, saying that it promoted economic ties between the two countries and continents.

In accepting the invitation to visit, which has been tentatively scheduled for November of this year, Rousseff promised to include investors and business men with the knowledge and capacity in the fields most useful to Nigeria, and hoped that meetings with their Nigerian counterparts would generate possible cooperative ventures.

President Goodluck Jonathan is currently in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, attending United Nation’s Earth Summit on sustainable development, also called Rio+20.

Source: 247ureports


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